Friday, 6 March 2015

Where does money come from for Bahá’í activities and projects?

Where does money come from for Bahá’í activities and projects?

Bahá’ís neither seek nor accept funds from others for activities that relate to the internal development of the Bahá’í community. The Bahais cannot and do not ask for Huququllah as per the guidances of Abdul Baha.

But !! Funds from private, national, or international agencies are "sometimes" received for social and humanitarian initiatives.????

The Bahai meetings, often simple, have a variety of elements to accommodate (i.e. brainwash) participants regardless of their religious background. Music, food, and discussion (brainwashing) are often present, though the primary purpose is to use prayer’s power to TRANSFORM, unify, and revitalize. (Especially transform into becoming Bahais.)

At the heart of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh is the FORCE OF TRANSFORMATION, both of the individual and of society .

Thus, Bahá'ís are actively engaged in developing knowledge (of terrorism), skills (at getting lots of money), and spiritual insights (brainwashing) that enable them to act as effective human resources and which are vital to the integrated process of personal and social TRANSFORMATION.

Thus Bahais believe that by learning about our spiritual reality and our individual role in the PROGRESS OF SOCIETY , we can better understand our purpose in life and the way to improve our own lives ($$$$) and the lives of those around us (slaves.)

So the ANSWER is :
Money for Bahá’í activities and projects comes from the taxpayers and fools.

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